Things to know about Invisalign

While Invisalign is the most popular treatment option for straightening teeth, we should learn more about any procedure before using it. So, before you get started with Invisalign, here’s a list of things you should know about it.

  • Although Invisalign is virtually undetectable to the naked eye, you will experience a strange sensation throughout the procedure. It can take up to three days to adjust. It is best to begin wearing the new trays at night so that the strange adjustment period of 7-8 hours can be easily passed while sleeping.
  • Only use the dental paste that your dentist has advised. This is critical since any other powerful toothpaste may cause the Invisalign to become dull. Also, using the appropriate toothpaste while using Invisalign might help reduce the discomfort.
  • While trying to put them on, eat something crunchy and chewy. This will assist the Invisalign aligners fit better and faster, speeding up the treatment process.
  • Do not use toothpaste or soap to clean your Invisalign. Only wash your Invisalign according to the dentist’s instructions.
  • Based on how your teeth respond to treatment, the Invisalign trays used may alter after a few follow-up visits.
  • Once you’ve become used to it, removing and replacing them will be as simple as putting on your own clothes.

As a result, Invisalign is a simple to use treatment option that offers more benefits than traditional braces.