Pros and cons of Invisalign

Crowding and spacing issues, as well as some mild and moderate bite issues, can all be treated with Invisalign. The Invisalign can treat issues like underbite, overbite, crossbite, gap teeth, open bite, and crowded teeth. Wearing the aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day is necessary for Invisalign to function properly. The only situations in which you should take off your aligners are either food or drink, cleaning your aligners with dental floss or a toothbrush.
Pros of the Invisalign
No nutritional or eating restrictions – You can remove the Invisalign every time you wear it.Therefore, you don’t have any restriction with respect to eating any kind of food.
It's Simple to Floss and Brush – It is easier to brush and floss as the Invisalign can be removed. A set of instructions is also provided to clean the Invisalign to maintain hygiene.
Fewer and shorter appointments – You don’t have to make frequent visit to the dentist.
Less Pain and Annoyance – Invisalign is less painful and discomfort compared to traditional teeth alignment.
Cons of the Invisalign
Nothing changes if you don't wear it – People who don't wear their aligners as directed frequently have aching teeth and feel worse (as bad as braces).
Even though it cost you the same as someone who wore them appropriately and received greater outcomes, the end treatment outcome will be less than optimal.
If the Invisalign aligners are not worn as directed, several dental and bite issues CANNOT BE FIXED.